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אשך מרוח או ילפת או גרב או ב עינ ו תבלל או דק או גבן או
NoneNoneorNoneorNoneorin the eye of himselfNoneorhe was crushed finelyorNoneor
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
or one humpbacked, or one emaciated, or with a spot in his eye, or a scurvy one, or one scabbed, or one with crushed testicles.
ESV Translation:
or a hunchback or a dwarf or a man with a defect in his sight or an itching disease or scabs or crushed testicles.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
or humpbacked, or bleary-eyed, or that has lost his eyelashes, or a man who has a malignant ulcer, or tetter, or one that has lost a testicle.
