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יטמא פ עלי ו ישכב אשר ה משכב ו כל ימים שבעת ו טמא עלי ו נדת ה ו תהי את ה איש ישכב שכב ו אם
Noneupon himselfNonewhom/straightlyNoneand the wholedayssevenNoneupon himselfNoneand she has becomeyour eternal selfa manNonelie downand if
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
And if any man lies with her, and her impurity is on him, he shall be unclean seven days, and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.
ESV Translation:
And if any man lies with her and her menstrual impurity comes upon him, he shall be unclean seven days, and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And if anyone shall lie with her, and her uncleanness be upon him, he shall be unclean seven days; and every bed on which he shall have lain shall be unclean.
