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צויתי כ אשר ב קדש את ה תאכלו אכול פנימה ה קדש אל דמ ה את הובא לא הן
I have laid charge uponas whenNoneyour eternal selfyou all are eatingNoneNoneNonetowardNoneאת-self eternalNonenotfavor/grace/lo!
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
Behold, its blood has not been brought into the holy place inside. You should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary, as I have commanded.
ESV Translation:
Behold, its blood was not brought into the inner part of the sanctuary. You certainly ought to have eaten it in the sanctuary, as I commanded.”
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
For the blood of it was not brought into the holy place: ye shall eat it within, before the Lord, as the Lord commanded me.
