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ל מטרה ל ו ו יקימ ני ו יפצפצ ני ב ערפ י ו אחז ו יפרפר ני הייתי ׀ שלו
to the guardhouseto himselfand is standing me upand is dashing me to piecesin the neckand he has grasped meand he is breaking me upI have becomequiet
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RBT Translation:
RBT Paraphrase:

I became quiet and he is breaking me up and he has grasped me in the neck and is dashing me to pieces and is standing me up to himself, to the guardhouse.

LITV Translation:
I was at ease, but He has shattered me; yea, He has also taken hold on my neck and broken me to bits; and He has set me up as a target for Him.
ESV Translation:
I was at ease, and he broke me apart; he seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces; he set me up as his target;
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
When I was at peace he distracted me: He took me by the hair of the head, and plucked it out: He set me up as a mark.
