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חפצתי לא ו עתודים ו כבשים פרים ו דם מריאים ו חלב אילים עלות שבעתי יהוה יאמר זבחי כם רב ל י ל מה
I wantednotand prepared leadersand subjugatorsof split asunder onesand bloodfattened onesand milkstrong-leaders (rams)ascending-stepsI have sevenedHe Ishe is sayingslaughterings of yourselvesabundanceto myselfwhy
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RBT Translation:
why to myself abundance slaughterings of yourselves he is saying He Is I have sevened ascending-steps strong-leaders (rams) and milk fattened ones and blood of split asunder ones and subjugators and prepared leaders not I wanted
RBT Paraphrase:
Abel's Offering
What is to myself the abundance of your slaughters? He Is is speaking, "I have sevened the ascending steps of strong leaders. And I did not want the milk of the fattened, or the blood of the broken asunder, or subjugators2 or prepared leaders!
LITV Translation:
What good to Me are your many sacrifices, says Jehovah? I am full of burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fattened cattle, and the blood of bulls; nor do I delight in the blood of lambs and he goats.
ESV Translation:
“What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says the LORD; I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts; I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of goats.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
Of what value to me is the abundance of your sacrifices? saith the Lord: I am full of whole burnt offerings of rams; and I delight not in the fat of lambs, and the blood of bulls and goats:


Isa. 1:11

See Strong's #3533, כבש. This is a plural form for those who subjugate, tread down, violate, bring into bondage, force, keep under, subdue, bring into subjection. 

Strong's #3532 כֶּבֶשׂ is the word for "lamb."