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RBT Translation:

And Heel is remaining over to his separation, and a man is dusting [yabbeq]1032 with him until the ascending of the Daybreak.1033

LITV Translation:
And Jacob was left alone. And a Man wrestled with him until the ascending of the dawn.
ESV Translation:
And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And he took them, and passed over the torrent, and brought over all his possessions.



Strong’s #79 abaq. To be-dust. as in dustify, or make dust, etc. This word is a denominative from abaq (#80) fine dust. Conjectured to mean “wrestling” but clearly signifying the symbol of dust. Gesenius writes, “denom. from אָבָק dust, because in wrestling the dust is raised.” This word is only found twice here and v24. Gesenius sees this as “an unusual word” that “appears to have been used by the sacred writer, in order to allude to the name of the river Yabbaq” which is of the same Hebrew root. The author wants us to draw a connection between the crossing-place of He-Dusts and Jacob’s “trouble”.


See Gen. 19:15

Jacob’s Dire Straight (Tsarah)

This piece has been thought of as Jacob’s Straight/Distress mentioned by the prophet Jeremiah. It makes more sense that it is the wrestling between Jacob and Esau in the womb. The Hebrew word is tsarah which according to Strong’s #6869 means “transitively, a female rival” according to its usage in 1 Sam. 1:6 of a rival wife. It may not be coincidental that it sounds very much like Sarah. It refers to a tight, distressing, dual straight—reminiscent of the symbolic meaning of Mitzrayyim (Egypt). Here’s what he said literally,

Hoy! For great is the Hot-one of Himself; from nothing is like him. And a time of tsarah [tight-straight] she is to Heel. And from out of her he is being rescued.” Jeremiah 30:7 literal