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ל יהוה פ עולה ה כל עשר שנים חטאת צפירי ו שבעה שבעים כבשים ו ששה תשעים אילים ׀ ישראל כל על עשר שנים פרים ישראל ל אלהי עלות ׀ הקריבו ה גולה בני מ ה שבי ה באים
Noneunjust oneNonetenNoneNoneNoneand she swore/sevenedNoneNoneNoneNonestrong-leaders (rams)God StraightenedallupontenNoneof split asunder onesGod Straightenedfor my eloahascending-stepsNoneNonesons/my sonNoneNone
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
Those who came out of the captivity of the sons of exile offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel: twelve young bulls for all Israel, ninety six rams, seventy seven lambs, twelve he goats for a sin offering. All was a burnt offering to Jehovah.
ESV Translation:
At that time those who had come from captivity, the returned exiles, offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel, twelve bulls for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and as a sin offering twelve male goats. All this was a burnt offering to the LORD.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
At that time the children of the banishment that came from the captivity offered whole burnt offerings to the God of Israel, twelve calves for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, twelve goats for a sin offering: all whole burnt offerings to the Lord.
