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Ezra 10

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to the faces house the Gods in the hand toward himself great one very much mortal men for the Gathered People
and he is eyeing builder/son and he is saying women the Earth and
upon this one
in the hand all women from themselves the Counsel inner master of myself in the hand mighty ones of ourselves he is making
for upon yourself The Word
את-self eternal and every/all God Straightened to make this one
house the Gods and he is walking toward builder/son and he is walking name loaf not not He who drinks for upon from upon
voice and Foundation-of-Peace sons/my son Foundation of Peace
and every/all whom/straightly not he is coming the Days all and Himself
all Land of Casters Foundation of Peace the Days Himself he has renewed in the hand in the new moon all the Gathered People house the Gods upon The Word
and he is saying toward themselves their eternal selves women upon God Straightened
to He is mighty ones fathers of yourselves the Earth
all and they are speaking voice an upright one upon ourselves to make
the Gathered People great one and there is not within the Outside not to a day one and not for this one
pray and every/all whom/straightly women he is coming an awake city until yea/a nostril/anger mighty ones of ourselves until
Only builder/son builder/son upon this one I have abode
an upright one sons/my son mortal men my head to the house in the hand within the Day one to renew/new moon to Possessor of Good ("Darius") The Word
within the whole mortal men women until day one to renew/new moon
whom/straightly women builder/son
and they are giving upon
he has said

Himself Land of Casters
the Gates

He Is Remembered ("Zechariah")

sons/my son
her sons
and sons ban
in the hand

sons/my son
her sons

and sons
and he is giving

hand of himself her sons
all these/mighty-one/goddess women from themselves women