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תאכל לא אנשים ו לחם שפם על תעטה ו לא ב רגלי ך תשים ו נעלי ך עלי ך חבוש פאר ך תעשה לא אבל מתים דם האנק ׀
she/you eatingnotmortal menand a loafNoneuponNoneand notin the handyourself is settingNoneupon yourselfNoneNoneshe/yourself is makingnotNoneNonebloodNone
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
Groan, but be silent; do not make a mourning for the dead. Bind your turban on you, and put your sandals on your feet, and do not cover the mustache nor eat the bread of men.
ESV Translation:
Sigh, but not aloud; make no mourning for the dead. Bind on your turban, and put your shoes on your feet; do not cover your lips, nor eat the bread of men.”
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
Thou shalt groan for blood, and have mourning upon thy loins; thy hair shall not be braided upon thee, and thy sandals shall be on thy feet; thou shalt in nowise be comforted by their lips, and thou shalt not eat the bread of men.
