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ב דרך אכל ך פן אתה ערף קשה עם כי ב קרב ך אעלה לא כי ו דבש חלב זבת ארץ אל
within a roadNonea corneryour eternal selfNonehard/severeGathered Peoplefor in the handNonenotfor NoneNoneNoneearthtoward
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RBT Translation:
RBT Paraphrase:
LITV Translation:
to a land flowing with milk and honey. For I will not go up among you, for you are a stiffnecked people, lest I consume you in the way.
ESV Translation:
Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people.”
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And I will bring thee into a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up with thee, because thou art a stiff-necked people, lest I consume thee by the way.
