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ה אלהים פ שם אשר ה ערפל אל נגש ו משה מ רחק ה עם ו יעמד
the Mighty Onesnamewhom/straightlythe Drooping Gloomtowardhas drawn nearand Drawn Out/Mosesfrom a remote time/placethe Gathered PeopleAnd he is standing firm
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RBT Translation:
And he is standing firm the Gathered People from a remote time/place and Drawn Out/Moses has drawn near toward the Drooping Gloom straightly/whom name the Mighty Ones
RBT Paraphrase:
And the Gathered People is standing firm from a remote time/place and Drawn Out drew near toward the Drooping Gloom which there is the Mighty Ones.
הערפל The Araphel "drooping/dripping gloom."
LITV Translation:
And the people stood from a distance, and Moses went near the thick darkness where God was .
ESV Translation:
The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And the people stood afar off, and Moses went into the darkness where God was.
