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ל רשת ה שמ ה בא אתה אשר ב ארץ אלהי ך יהוה ו ברכ ך ו רבית ו חיית ו משפטי ו ו חקתי ו מצותי ו ו ל שמר ב דרכי ו ל לכת אלהי ך יהוה את ל אהבה ה יום מצו ך אנכי אשר
Nonethere-herhe has comeyour eternal selfwhom/straightlyin the earthgods of yourselfHe IsNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNonewithin the roads of himselfNonegods of yourselfHe Isאת-self eternalNoneThe DayNonemy own selfwhom/straightly
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
in that I am commanding you today to love Jehovah your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands and His statutes, and His judgments, and you shall live and multiply, and Jehovah your God shall bless you in the land where you are going in, to possess it.
ESV Translation:
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you today, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
If thou wilt hearken to the commands of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to love the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his ordinances, and his judgments; then ye shall live, and shall be many in number, and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all the land into which thou goest to inherit it.
