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2 Chronicles 6

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RBT Hebrew Literal

at that time he has said Complete One He Is he has said
and myself house to yourself/walk
The King את-self eternal את-self eternal all God Straightened and every/all God Straightened
and he is saying he who is blessed He Is mighty ones God Straightened whom/straightly he has ordered-words in the mouth of himself את-self eternal to say
from out of The Day whom/straightly את-self eternal my Gathered from the earth of Dual-Siege not within the City from all/every God Straightened house my name name and not upon my Gathered God Straightened
my name name in the hand upon my Gathered God Straightened
and he is together with heart house He Is mighty ones God Straightened
and he is saying He Is toward for the purpose/because whom/straightly he has become together with house for he has become together with
your eternal self not yourself is building the House for Himself the House
He Is את-self eternal they ordered words whom/straightly he has ordered-words below upon God Straightened as when he has ordered-words He Is the House He Is mighty ones God Straightened
and I am putting name את-self eternal whom/straightly name in the hand He Is whom/straightly together with sons/my son God Straightened
And he is standing firm to the faces place of slaughter/sacrifice He Is opposite/counter all God Straightened
for he has made Complete One in the center three And he is standing firm upon himself upon opposite/counter all God Straightened
and he is saying He Is mighty ones God Straightened there is not mighty ones in the dual heavenly ones the Walkers within the whole
whom/straightly את-self eternal whom/straightly to himself in the hand this one
He Is mighty ones God Straightened את-self eternal whom/straightly to himself to say not to yourself/walk a man/each one he who is sitting upon God Straightened if your builders/sons את-self eternal in the hand as when to the faces
He Is mighty ones God Straightened of the word whom/straightly
for he sat mighty ones את-self eternal upon the Earth Behold dual Heavens the Dual-Heavenly ones not yea/a nostril/anger for the House this one whom/straightly
toward and servant of yourself and toward/don't He Is mighty ones toward and toward/don't whom/straightly and servant of yourself
the eye of yourself toward the House this one in daytime and her night toward the Standing Place whom/straightly name of yourself name toward whom/straightly and servant of yourself toward the Standing Place this one
toward and servant of yourself God Straightened whom/straightly toward the Standing Place this one and your eternal self from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones
if a man/each one to the evil of himself and he has carried in himself these/mighty-one/goddess and he has come these/mighty-one/goddess to the faces within house this one
and your eternal self from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones and you have made את-self eternal in the hand to himself
and if God Straightened to the faces he who is hated for to yourself/walk את-self eternal name of yourself within house this one
and your eternal self from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones God Straightened toward the Ground of Adam whom/straightly to themselves
in the hand the Dual-Heavenly ones and not he is becoming for to yourself/walk toward the Standing Place this one את-self eternal name of yourself their inner selves are to return for
and your eternal self the Dual-Heavenly ones God Straightened for toward whom/straightly within herself upon whom/straightly
for he is becoming in the earth he has ordered-words for he is becoming for he is becoming for to himself in the earth all a plague/blow and every/all
all tasteless folly all whom/straightly he is becoming God Straightened whom/straightly they have perceived a man/each one toward the House this one
and your eternal self from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones to a man whom/straightly את-self eternal for your eternal self to a separation of yourself you have perceived את-self eternal heart sons/my son
in order that all the Days whom/straightly themeselves living ones upon faces the Ground of Adam whom/straightly
and also toward whom/straightly not God Straightened Himself and he has come from the earth in order that name of yourself the Great toward the House this one
and your eternal self from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones and you have made whom/straightly he is reading upon yourself in order that they have perceived all my Gathered the Earth את-self eternal name of yourself your eternal self God Straightened for name of yourself upon the House this one whom/straightly
for upon within a road whom/straightly upon yourself road this one whom/straightly within herself whom/straightly
from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and you have made
for to yourself/walk for there is not man whom/straightly not within themselves to the faces he who is hated toward earth or
toward in the earth whom/straightly name upon yourself in the earth to say
upon yourself within the whole in the earth whom/straightly their eternal selves road whom/straightly whom/straightly whom/straightly
from out of the Dual-Heavenly ones את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and you have made whom/straightly to yourself/walk
now mighty ones they are becoming pray the eye of yourself the Standing Place
He Is mighty ones your eternal self He Is mighty ones in the hand within the good
He Is mighty ones do not faces