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דבר – To Arrange Words in a Row and יהוה אלהים

What is Word?

Hebrew דבר dabar #1696. To arrange words, put in a row. #1697, a word.

The word “logos” (λόγος) originates from ancient Greek. In Greek philosophy and theology, “logos” has rich and varied meanings, including “word,” “reason,” “thought,” or “principle.” It has been used in various contexts by Greek philosophers such as Heraclitus, Plato, and Aristotle. In the Hebrew context it is a building block/stone, even a “living stone.” According to the Gospel of John, “In the Origin, ‘GOD’ was was the Word/Logos.” This building block of God was then laid, as the cornerstone.

What is a Writing?

Words “λόγοι” (logoi), arranged in a sequential order, or in a row, builds a Writing.

The Hebrew language, functions around both of these paradigms. The Word/Logos is a masculine building block of a Writing. A word alone, is but a thought, or principle. But many put together build a Writing.

Eve, as the Mother of Life is “built” (Hebrew “banah”) while the Man is “formed.” Once a word is formed, “life” and “death” can be built from them. Then through the writing, the words are spoken, and either words of Life or words of Death are born/realized.

The entirety of the Writing of the Logoi/Words is conceptually parallel to what is called “The Seed of The Woman” in that “the Word is the seed of the Writing.”


Word order and arrangement itself within the Hebrew texts follows tradition. Hence Genesis 2 is called the “Yahwist Narrative” and all sorts of weird scholarship exists around how Genesis 1 and 2 are “different creation accounts.” But the conjecture rarely goes beyond traditions, if at all. What if we were to move around the words a little bit, and assume that “Yahweh Elohim” is not a formal name, since after all, no indication is given anywhere that it is?

ויטע יהוה אלהים גן ב עדן

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Genesis 2:8 RBT

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